
Scale Cannon Wheel with Lynch Pin Axle 24" - 36" Dia.

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$654.95 - $1,356.65
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Includes wheels and lynch pin axle for 7/16, 1/2 scale and 5/8 scale Civil War Cannon. 

These hardwood wheels and solid 1-inch axle with lynch pin will proportionately work for building a scale cannon carriage. Choose from 24" wheel for 7/16 scale cannon carriage, 30" wheel for 1/2 scale cannon carriage, or 36" wheel for 5/8 scale cannon carriage.

Axle lengths are made to the proper "scale" lengths for your choice of wheels and the boxings are set into the hubs of your wheels.

View our handy Scale Cannon Size Chart.


  • 24" Cannon Wheel Assembly
    • 7/16" Scale
    • Wheel Dimensions:
      • Hub: 5 3/8" Length x 4" Diameter, 1/2" bore; 1 1/8" Spoke Width; 1 1/4" Steel Tire Width
    • Axle Dimensions:
      • 32 1/4" Overall Length.
      • Approximately 19 1/2" Shoulder to Shoulder (between collars/wheels)
  • 30" Cannon Wheel Assembly
    • 1/2" Scale
    • Wheel Dimensions:
      • Hub: 6 3/4" Length x 5 1/2" Diameter, 7/8" bore; 1 1/4" Spoke Width; 1 1/2" Steel Tire Width
    • Axle Dimensions:
      • 38 1/4" Overall Length.
      • Approximately 21 3/4" Shoulder to Shoulder (between collars/wheels)
  • 36" Cannon Wheel Assembly
    • 5/8" Scale
      • Hub: 8 1/4" Length X 6" Diameter, 1 1/4" bore; 1 1/2" Spoke Width;   1 1/2" Steel Tire Width
    • Axle Dimensions: 
      • 46 3/4" Overall Length to Outside of Lynch Pins
      • 32" Shoulder To Shoulder 
      • 28 1/4" inside of hub to inside of hub when installed
      • 6 1/2" long boxing (boxing is recessed 1 3/4" into the back of the hub; sits flush with the front for lynch pin usage)


  • Question: How do I assemble this wheel/axle once I receive it?
    • Installation of wheel on axle for 24-30" sizes:

      1. Slide lock collars on axle – leave loose, untightened
      2. Slide wheel on axle (to help determine orientation of the wheel – typically the measurement from the face of the spoke to the end of the hub is longer on the front of the wheel than the back)
      3. Put the washer on the axle
      4. Insert the lynch pin in the pre-drilled hole in the axle
      5. Slide the wheel up against the lynch pin & washer
      6. Slide the lock collar up to the back of the hub and tighten to keep in place so it is snug but not tight (wheel should spin freely/easily on axle)
    • Installation of wheel on axle for 36" size:

      1. Slide wheel on axle (the boxing is tapered, so you should slide the larger diameter end on first)
      2. Put the washer on the axle
      3. Insert the lynch pin in the pre-drilled hole in the axle
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